
Showing posts from December, 2017


Israel Back As a Nation ... May 14,1948 A Remarkable Mathematical Prophecy! The Prophecy ... (Ezekiel 4:4-6) "Then God said to Ezekiel, 'Now lie on your left side for 390 days to show Israel will be punished for 390 years by captivity and doom. Each day you lie there represents a year of punishment ahead for Israel. Afterwards , turn over and lay on your right side for 40 days , to signify the years of Judah's punishment. Each day will represent one year . . . '" (Ezekiel 4:4-6) A Mathematical Bible Prophecy . . . Although a little obscure (and sophisticated) this is one of the most fascinating prophecies found in the Bible. Here, we find God telling Ezekiel that each day he (Ezekiel) lies on his side will represent one year of punishment for the nation Israel (Israel + Judah) because of their iniquities (sins) against God . . . So, we have: 390 days ...


The Bible warns the destiny of the World is inseparable from Israel and Jerusalem. The Bible says God would one day re-gather the children of Israel back into their land from among many nations around the world. The Bible says they would be re-gathered in unbelief ... God warns He is not re-gathering the children of Israel into their Land because they deserve it, but because His Name and His Word are at stake (see Ezekiel 36:17-23) ... and because He loves them. They are His chosen people. The Bible warns God would then make Jerusalem a world trouble spot. The Bible says all nations of the world will turn against Israel. The Bible warns during this time 'Gaza will be forsaken' ... and offers a stark warning. The Bible warns a coming world leader (the 'Antichrist') will rise out of 10 nations which once formed the Roman Empire and will enforce a peace plan or treaty (‘covenant’) upon Israel ('upon the many' - for many in Israel will be against it) ... and then,...


HOW TO REPAIR BROKEN RELATIONSHIP. As believer God has called us to settle our relationship with each other. It's not easy,it takes a lot of effort to repair broken fellowship. But when you work for peace you are doing what God would do. Here are seven biblical steps to restore relationship. TALK TO GOD BEFORE TALKING TO MAN. No one can fulfill your needs except God. Never discuss the problem with man,talk to God before. All your relationship will be moving smoothly provided you can pray about it. Tell God your frustrations, anxieties, etc in prayer. If you expect friend,relative,boss or anyone to meet your needs that God only can fulfill you are only inviting disappointment. It's sadly nowadays,when instead of Christians looking to God for happy life they rather expect man and got angry when they fail us. James  4:1 From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members?  4:2 Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and...


There is still much discussion on Sin these days to know which one is really unforgiven.  Performing our routine assignment as Christian. By one way or the other we can't skip sin. SIN* what's it at all? Anything against the divine laws or command of God is sin. Whether done against church or country it's sin. Sources of sin still remain mystery and it should since we can't understand it origin Let's move to the types of sin and see which one is unforgiven. Generally there's only two types of sin,namely original sin actuall sin. 1 The original sin is the generally sin of Adam that has passed to generation. First parents for all mankind were Adam and Eve.Anything they did, good or bad,has implications to generation since God is generational God. Roman 5:12-14, 3:19-23. Psalm 130:3.Isaiah 53:6. 2 Actual sin - These are the sin men do in the course of living. And this is not attributed to anyone.Meaning they are not cause by no one as the original sin go...


How can a believer know that he/she is demonised? What do you think it will hinder Christian from seeing that his/her life is in danger? It's very difficult for a person to go to hospital for treatment without knowing that he's sick. But no man tells him to go to hospital after he admit that he's sick. He goes of his own accord. This same happen in a spiritual realm.How can a Christian seek for deliverance ministration,when he does not know that he's bound? Until he realises that he's in bondage,he will never see the need for it. That's why the bible say that" Because of lack of knowledge my people perish" Hozea 4:6 As a Christian one thing you should put in mind that whether you like or not,the enemy knows you and he is at warfare with you all the time. Since he knows us we too must know him and study his strategy to resist him and overcome him. (2 Corinthians  2:11 ) Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his dev...


How do people come under Demonic influence. Many ways are there for people  attracting demonic influence. Whenever demons are contacted, covenants are made between adherents and the demons,and when this covenats are broken the demons brings curses upon them.  We have the direct and indirect way of contracting demons. Direct ways is when the Christian personally do things that invites demonic control. Direct ways of covenant making with demons. • personal initiation into occult,witchcraft and angel worship. The rituals people goes through when joining secret societies like lodges, resocrusians etc leads people under demonic influence. • Reading of wrong books  and wrong teachings. Wrong understanding of God words,being deceived by the doctrines of demons can lead Christian under demonic control.Acts 8:18-24, Col 2:16-23, 1Tim 4:1-3 • Idol worship. Fellowship of demons by eating foods offered to idols brings demonic control. •Constant watching of sexy and o...


Keeping Your Marriage Together Many christian don't know why their relationship must be united. When marriage vows are exchanged, it is a commitment to stay together for life. It is hard to maintain a marriage if one or both partners are not fully in it. Marriage however involves more than just two people. That is why keeping a marriage together is so vital. Here are some reasons that should motivate you to stay in your marriage. (i) Honor ; People that are married and have wedding rings on receive a lot of respect from their peers and other people in the community. Many hold your loyalty to your partner in high regard. (ii) Consider your children ; with marriage comes starting a family. If things don't work out between you and your partner, your children are the most affected. They may be too young to understand what's happening but they will feel the sense of being lost and void most especially if the parents decide to put their own feelings first. https://c...

CAN CHRISTIAN BE POSSESSED? what do you think can bring Christian to demonic bondage?

CAN CHRISTIAN BE POSSESSED?  This topic over the years is confusing Christians. Many think When one becomes Christian you are free from demonic bondage others also says it's never true. With unbelievers,all the parts of their life is driven by the devil, his whole being belongs to him.They can therefore be in a state of total possession or Demonic Possession. Unbelievers BODY,SOUL AND SPIRIT is controlled by satan hence he can't communicate meaningful with God as his father.  John  1:12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.       The answer if Christian can be possessed is NO !. Christian can never be possessed. But he can be demonized. And this can be done in two ways. Satan can not have total control of all the three parts,namely, BODY,SOUL AND SPIRIT,but can control one or two. God intention for man at salvation is that,all the three parts will be free indeed.Christ...

THINGS TO DO TO SUSTAIN YOUR RELATIONSHIP. Don't be like those who can not preserve their relationship.

PRINCIPLES OF HAPPY AND SUSTAINABLE MARRIAGE/RELATIONSHIP People nowadays most especially the youth are chasing for marriage. But    year after the so called luxurious marriage it turns to be invisible. The following principles will be guiding you to attain and sustain a successful marriage till God separation. 1. Respect . Acknowledge each others roles in the marriage. Recognize and appreciate each others efforts. No matter how tempted you may be,don't be quick to point out the negatives in your partner. Focus instead on the good. The positive. 2. Pay attention to your partner Listen to your partner when they speak. Acknowledge them if they have a new look or went out of their way to do something different. A simple smile will go a long way. 3. Give each other some privacy Don't interfere too much in every little thing  your partner does. This could cause uncalled for arguments that will ultimately bring  stress into the marriage. 4. Avoid very clos...