Not all bad things that happen to man is caused by evil.sometimes you can be enemy behind your own advancement in life. Great man is one who can change him self but not others. "How to hardness Your habit " is today topic.
Brethren, no matter strong you are in Christianity,there still be one habit influencing your Christian life. You have been fasting and praying to put a stop to it but seems no avail anytime you make the move.
Let see how one can be easily out of it.But before, What are you addicted to? Again what is hooking your life? Answer for yourself.
I recommend this three ways for you, follow it and you will be out of this bondage in the blinks of an eye.
First ,Be Realistic;
Determined that you will stop from what influence you in negative way.
(Philippians 1:10) " That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ;"
Managing your Environment is also power tool to overcome your addict habit hooking your Christian life.
Be separated, come out from among them.Make it harder to do the wrong thing and easy to do right ones. Stop making friends with those who always direct you to place you don't belong.
2 Corinthians 6:14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?. Read also proverbs 13:20,22;3, 2Timothy 2:22.
The last point is Taking a Long -Range Views.
What count's in the end is not how many times we fall but many times we get up again.
Proverbs 24:16 For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief. See also; Proverbs 4:25, Philippians 3:13-14.
Brethren, no matter strong you are in Christianity,there still be one habit influencing your Christian life. You have been fasting and praying to put a stop to it but seems no avail anytime you make the move.
Let see how one can be easily out of it.But before, What are you addicted to? Again what is hooking your life? Answer for yourself.
I recommend this three ways for you, follow it and you will be out of this bondage in the blinks of an eye.
First ,Be Realistic;
Determined that you will stop from what influence you in negative way.
(Philippians 1:10) " That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ;"
Managing your Environment is also power tool to overcome your addict habit hooking your Christian life.
Be separated, come out from among them.Make it harder to do the wrong thing and easy to do right ones. Stop making friends with those who always direct you to place you don't belong.
2 Corinthians 6:14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?. Read also proverbs 13:20,22;3, 2Timothy 2:22.
The last point is Taking a Long -Range Views.
What count's in the end is not how many times we fall but many times we get up again.
Proverbs 24:16 For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief. See also; Proverbs 4:25, Philippians 3:13-14.
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